Draper, Harper, Goodman, Call and Ridd

I have a family here on earth. They are so good to me. I want to share my life with them through all eternity...

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Location: Gilbert, AZ, United States

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Baseball been berry berry good to me.....

Last night Alan and I went to the Diamondbacks game with other Shea employees. I do enjoy when we get to do that. We are able to be in a suite, which has so many advantages, namely the free food and sweet parking (suite parking) that allows us an early and easy exit from the parking garage. We watched the Diamondbacks beat the Giants and then were able to rush back to Mesa to see the end of Devon's baseball game. He has games 3 - 4 nights a week for the whole month of June. Last night he had an 8:00 game against the team he played for last year. He was a little nervous to be playing them, he really was hoping to be drafted to the same team and was sad to see that he was pretty much the only player who wasn't . They had such a great team last year, placing 2nd in the league, but for all of his disappointment at first, he is glad now. When we got there at 9:30, Devon's team was ahead 15 - 2. They ended up winning 22 - 2. Apparently there is no "mercy rule" in the majors. Devon's team has played 7 games and won 6.

Courtney had surgery on her right big toe yesterday. She gets in-grown toe nails so bad. Last October she had the left big toe done. She watched the procedure in October but decided against watching this time. I think it hurt a lot worse last time becuase she saw exactly what the Dr. had done to her. She is a strong girl, with a high pain tolerance. Can you tell I am a proud mom?

Lynda, what kind of work does Eric do? Our kids really want to go to Carlsbad Caverns. We have talked about it a lot, we will have to try and schedule a trip for sure now. It would be so fun to see Saralyn and go out to dinner or something. Alan and I were just talking about when we were living in SLC and your family drove to Provo for a wedding and we drove down to go to dinner with you. Amanda was just a baby! I missed our family so much during that time and it was so special to be able to see you then.

Love to everyone - Jolene


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