Draper, Harper, Goodman, Call and Ridd

I have a family here on earth. They are so good to me. I want to share my life with them through all eternity...

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Location: Gilbert, AZ, United States

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Last night with all of the news programs doing Sept. 11 - 5 years later shows, I was thinking a lot about that time. We moved into our house on Monday, Sept. 10. Tuesday morning I took the kids to their new school, as I was in the office filling out the last bit of paperwork, parents were coming in and checking their kids out of school etc... Then Susan called my cell phone and told me that something was going on and I needed to get to a T.V. As I was driving home I turned on the radio and heard a little of what was going on. When I got home I told Alan to hurry and get one of our T.V.'s unloaded and plugged in. We didn't have any furniture or anything in the house but we found a T.V. and sat on the stairs and watched what was happening all day. We didn't get much moved in or unpacked that day.

It was a wonderful time to be with Dad however. He and I spilled a lot of tears watching patriotic programs and listening to songs together. He was recovering from his second surgery and was spending a lot of time here. I am so glad I developed and learned a love of country from Dad.

God Bless America!!


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